3 Tier Pricing Structure
I believe that true wellness means wellness for ALL. A thriving planet and thriving communities are the results of thriving individuals. If only some of us have access to wellness services, this is not true wellness.
With that in mind, I am very happy to offer a 3-tiered pricing structure for all of my holistic health coaching offerings. I want my services to be available to any woman whose heart truly desires them.
Please see the explanation of the three tiers for pricing and contact me directly with any further questions.
Thank you.
Standard Pricing
“I am able to pay full price.”
Pay It Forward Pricing
“I am able and willing to pay more than full price. My additional payments serve as generous donations toward the Abbie Silvers Wellness scholarship fund to make holistic health coaching services accessible for all.”
Community Supported Pricing
“I am in need of financial support and would like to apply for a scholarship to one of the Abbie Silvers Wellness offerings.”